Let The Right One In

Go out and see the film "Let the Right One in". You will be glad you did.

Read the Book

Now that I have seen the film, I would love to read the book. I wonder if this thing has been tranlsated into English. I don't know about you. But I cannot read Swedish.

There are a number of points from the movie that are not clear. Why does Eli say, "I am not a girl"? Is that because she is a vamp? Or maybe she is an old woman. Who knows. I am sure the book will shed some light on this.

Eli looks too good to be a boy. Besides we see her private parts one time in the movie. She is a girl. Perhaps she is not telling the truth about being a girl. Time will tell.


Our main character Oskar is given a hard time by the bullies. They keep seeking him out and taunting him. Of course the cowards always travel in a group of three. The main bully is a real twat.

We get a glimpse of the bully being roughed up a bit by his older brother. Should we feel sorry for him? Hell no. He is always tormenting Oskar.

Why can't Oskar stand up for himself? He just takes the punishment from these jerks. Well Eli will lend a helping hand. Or should I say a fang?

Just Saw the Film

I just saw the film "Let the Right One in". This was the bomb. I loved it and highly recommend it. It is not your usual horror or vampire film. The film covers bullying, a first love, and yes, a young vampire.

Apparently it is gauche to create a kid vampire. They stay a kid forever. Not nice. The film was a little rough. However this was not due to the neck chomping. It was from the evil bullying that went on with the main character. More on that later.